07 12月, 2010

【建物探訪】谷尻誠さんの「florist_gallery N」

How do you fit an art gallery, florist shop, and home for two into a building with a footprint of just over 400 square feet? If you’re Hiroshima-based architect Makoto Tanijiri, you start by breaking down the traditional divisions between spaces, and end up with a sleek box that has more than one unexpected twist. Earlier this year I stopped by florist_gallery N in Nagoya to take a look.

ギャラリー、花屋、そして夫婦二人が住まう住居を、わずか建築面積44㎡の建物に収めるという難問にサポーズの谷尻誠さんが挑んだ作品、名古屋市のflorist_gallery Nまで足を運び、谷尻さんにもお話を伺うことができました。

(Exterior Photo by Toshiyuki Yano)

The three-story concrete structure sits off a busy thoroughfare in Nagoya’s Chikusaku district, a residential area ten minutes by train from Nagoya Station. It was completed in December 2007.


(Front Window)

The gallery and flower shop share a single room on the first floor (seen here from the street), with the living areas upstairs. Ten-foot-high sliding glass doors make up the front and back walls of the ground floor, while the upper floors are shielded with a solid white façade for privacy.


(Bent wall Photo by Toshiyuki Yano)

Having two walls of solid glass on the first floor meant Tanijiri needed to reinforce the building’s side walls for strength. Tanijiri decided to do so by bending the western wall like a folding screen, which added aesthetic interest to the design as well. The ceiling is also “bent” on the first and second floors (this photo shows the second floor living room).


(Yurika Ninomiya-san)

Owner Yurika Ninomiya creates flower arrangements to order and runs the gallery during the week. Her husband Takuya joins her on the weekends and helps arrange shows.


(Black Box)

A black steel box in the center of the florist/gallery space houses a flower refrigerator on one side and a restroom on the other. The walls of the box provide extra display space for hanging artwork.


(Teahouse 1)

Behind the main building, a tiny structure of bent steel with tatami flooring serves as a tearoom and additional gallery space.


(Teahouse 2)

The teahouse occupies a sliver of space with parking lots on either side and a schoolyard behind it. Adult guests have to hunch down to get inside, but kids from the school slip right in. “The kids are totally interested in the building and artwork,” says Yurika.


(Teahouse window)

Once inside, the teahouse feels cozy and relaxing. A narrow window at the top of the north wall perfectly frames the schoolyard’s lush row of cherry trees.


( Staircase 1)

There is no separate entrance leading to the residence. Instead, the Ninomiyas and their guests climb a spiral staircase in one corner of the gallery/shop. Shoes stay at the bottom of the stairs.


(Staircase 2)

There’s no door between the shop and the residence, either – just a round hole in the ceiling. The distance between the two areas establishes privacy, explains Tanijiri. 


(Second floor interior. Photo by Toshiyuki Yano)

Tanijiri’s firm, Suppose Design Office, custom-designed most of the furniture in the house and shop, including the sofa, table, and cabinets in the second floor kitchen/dining/living room (shown here).


(Mural and trees)

Sliding glass doors and broad balconies off the second and third floors overlook the verdant foliage in the schoolyard behind the building, as well as a children’s mural and garden. Tanijiri’s design takes full advantage of that “borrowed landscape,” a classic concept in Japanese garden design.


(Bath Photo by Toshiyuki Yano)

The third floor bathroom, separated from the bedroom by a glass wall, also overlooks the trees.


(Projection 1)

The day I visited, the gallery was displaying images of the seashore by artist Yoko Mazuki. She had projected a film onto the gallery’s ceiling of waves lapping the shore.


( Projection 2)

The enigmatic patterns were particularly striking seen from the street at night. Each artist finds a creative way to use the unique space, said Yurika.


(Makoto Tanijiri-san)

On the day I visited, the architect also dropped by. Tanijiri is young and hip, with a boldly experimental design philosophy to match. On this project, he says his goal was to create a “new kind of normal”: a structure that looks ordinary, but reveals its uniqueness the more time one spends in it.



Design: Suppose Design Office

Structural Engineering: Nawa Kenji

Furniture Production: Miya Kogei

Metalwork (staircase, teahouse, etc): Kamo Craft

florist_gallery N


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